Italian citizenship is based on the principle of jure sanguinis: this means that a child born to an Italian father or mother is also an Italian citizen, regardless of the place of birth. An individualContinue reading
Tag: jure sanguinis
1861: birth of the Italian nation
On March 17th, 1861 the Italian Kingdom was born. However, some Italian regions were annexed to the Kingdom only afterward: Veneto was annexed in 1866, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Istria, Zara in 1920Continue reading
Loss of Italian citizenship: 1865/1912 issue – Update
The Italian authorities have confirmed that there has been no restrictive changes in the interpretation of the Italian code of 1865. Therefore the children of Italian citizens who acquired citizenship of a foreign country betweenContinue reading
Loss of Italian citizenship: 1865/1912 issue
Recently some Italian Consulates abroad are applying a very restrictive interpretation of the Italian Civil Code of 1865, Article 11, paragraph 2, concerning the loss of Italian citizenship. This Law was effective until July 1st,Continue reading
Italian citizenship by adoption
The minor adopted by an Italian citizen becomes an Italian citizen automatically, but the adoption must be recognized by the Italian Court for Minors and then transcribed in the registers of the Italian Municipality. IfContinue reading
1948 case Italian citizenship: updates
Although in Italy the judgments issued by the Ordinary Court do not create precedents that bind the Judge to comply with, however they make a jurisprudential orientation that can not be ignored, especially when theseContinue reading
Decree ‘Salvini’ (Decreto Legge n.113/2018): citizenship application updates
The definitive issue of the Security Decree (Decreto Legge n.113/2018), that modifies and complements the law n.91 of February 5th, 1992, introduces some new rules concerning Italian citizenship application. Let’s see them below. Recognition ofContinue reading
Italian citizenship: where to apply
The relevant Italian authority to which the application for Italian citizenship must be submitted depends on the type of citizenship required. Jure sanguinis If the applicant lives abroad, the relevant authority is the Italian ConsulateContinue reading
Translating foreign documents for Italian citizenship application
The documents issued by non-Italian authorities to be submitted for the application process for the request of Italian citizenship must be always translated in the Italian language. As a general rule for applications in ItalyContinue reading
Historical research of documents and certificates in Italy
The certificates from Italy of the Italian ancestor are the most important documents for obtaining Italian citizenship jure sanguinis for the simple reason that they contain the evidence of the link with Italy.Also, the exactContinue reading
1948 case Italian citizenship
The 1948 rule concerns the paths that guarantee Italian citizenship by blood (jure sanguinis) to those who have female ancestors.The 1912 Citizenship Act (that regulated the passage of citizenship from one generation to the next)Continue reading